Tips for Success to Help Your Child When Learning Virtually

Virtual learning at all grade levels is becoming an increasingly popular option for families in Oregon. While online classes may be an adjustment for students used to in-person learning, the online education provided by Oregon Charter Academy is designed to help students thrive from their remote learning locations. Here, we provide some virtual learning tips that parents and guardians can pass onto their children this school year.

Set Up a Dedicated Area for Schoolwork

The very first thing we recommend all our students do is to find an area at home where they can set up a small work area dedicated exclusively to their schoolwork, preferably outside of the bedroom. When your child works from the same room they relax and sleep in, it can be difficult to focus since their mind associates that space with leisure. This, in turn, can impact the quality of their schoolwork. Giving your child a workspace that resembles a classroom helps put them in the right mindset, and when it comes to school, their state of mind plays a huge role in determining success.

Work with Other Students Whenever Possible

One of the more difficult aspects of distanced learning is how isolating it can be. Even though your child is at home with you all day, they’re separated from their peers. While they’re technically learning with them, they’re not in the same room. Interacting and working with other students is an incredibly important part of the educational environment, so they must have some way to work cooperatively with others. Whether it’s a science project or studying for a test, consider hosting other students in person for an afternoon. If distance or other circumstances make in-person interaction difficult, encourage your child to engage with other students on a live video chat. Oregon Charter Academy also organizes several activities and events throughout the year, including field trips that provide the opportunity for students and teachers to interact in educational settings throughout Oregon.

Develop a Morning Routine

Online learning affords accessibility and comfort, but there’s always a chance your child will get too comfortable, especially if the virtual classroom is being attended      from home. There is understandably a high level of comfort when you’re at home. But when your child is engaged in online learning, there’s a certain mentality they need to maintain. Part of that is tied to how they dress. The phrase “get ready for school” always entails wearing clothes appropriate for school and packing a lunch. Keep that morning routine going when your child starts virtual school. Have them dress to impress their teachers and peers, and work with them to prepare a nutritious lunch ahead of time for their break.

For More Helpful Virtual Learning Tips, Contact Oregon Charter Academy

These virtual learning tips are a great way to give your child every advantage while they’re participating in a virtual classroom. For more advice on supporting your children through virtual school or information about our online education offerings, contact Oregon Charter Academy today.


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