Socialization in an Online School

For school-aged children, attending classes in person is a huge part of their social life. Naturally, parents may have concerns about sending their children to a virtual charter school, as they may fear a lack of opportunities for socialization. However, this is simply a misconception. There are plenty of ways for our students at Oregon Charter Academy to mingle and flex their social skills, both online and offline before hitting the books, eating dinner, and going to bed. Here are a few of them.

Engaging with Peers and Teachers in the Virtual Classroom

Just because classes are held online doesn’t mean our students won’t have plenty of opportunities to engage with their peers and teachers. Whether working on group assignments or participating in question-and-answer sessions, our students learn the value of excellent communication skills and can carry their virtual learning experiences into their future careers, where they may be expected to meet virtually with clients, provide remote customer service, and more.

Collaborating on Projects and Assignments

Once a class session is over, there are still plenty of opportunities for students to engage with one another and collaborate. Through group projects, for instance, students can practice carrying out a set of responsibilities and doing their part while learning the importance of teamwork. Other times, a pair of students may decide to team up and work through studying a complex topic together before attempting a homework assignment. This can all be done virtually through FaceTime, Zoom, and other platforms.

Participating in Student Activities and Events

Another way students can socialize when attending a virtual charter school is through extracurricular clubs and activities, which often take place in person – even though classroom instruction does not. These activities also give Oregon Charter Academy students the perfect opportunity to sharpen the “Four Cs” of our curriculum: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. We proudly offer our students the following opportunities:

School Events

From our Fall Open House and Homecoming to Spring Celebration and Prom, our students have ample opportunities to interact with their virtual learning community at our in-person school events.

Outdoor School

Our fifth and sixth graders have the chance to engage in face-to-face sessions with our outdoor science education instructors and other teachers for a one-day, hands-on learning opportunity. Students work in teams to bring scientific principles to life in an interactive environment.


No matter a child’s interest, Oregon Charter Academy is committed to helping them explore it so they can evolve to their full potential, which is why we offer a wide range of clubs for students to participate in.

NASA Activities

Hosted monthly on a remote basis, Oregon Charter Academy proudly participates in NASA’s Remote and Distant Interactive Online Sessions (RADIOS), which are streamed live from Space Center Houston. These STEM-based sessions are open to all interested students across grades K-12. We are also involved in NASA’s Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program, which enables our students to interact with astronauts on the International Space Station in real-time.

Learn More About Student Life at Oregon Charter Academy

As an online public charter school, Oregon Charter Academy ensures our robust virtual curriculum is matched by a host of exciting social opportunities that help students build skills and enjoy interactions with peers. To learn more about how your children can attend online school and make friends, contact us today.


The Benefits of a Charter School


Tips for Success to Help Your Child When Learning Virtually