Is Virtual Schooling the Right Fit? What to Consider Before Enrolling

Some parents may understandably have some trepidation about enrolling their child in a virtual charter school. However, the many benefits of this learning method can equip children with the necessary skills to position them for success in college and beyond. To help you make the best decision for your child’s future, Oregon Charter Academy explores the top factors to consider when navigating your virtual schooling options.

Unique Opportunity to Learn Technology

Our virtual platform allows students to become familiar with technology at an early age, putting them at an advantage for continuing education and within the workforce. Students will be able to practice accountability by utilizing our technology services, as well as embracing productivity.

Oregon Charter Academy cares about student accessibility, which is why our virtual charter school offers an education for any enrolled Oregon student. There’s no need to worry if your child doesn’t have a computer because we provide all of our students with a Chromebook when they’re enrolled. We’ll also supply all the necessary textbooks and other learning materials for free.

Sense of Freedom

Attending a virtual charter school allows your child to have a certain amount of freedom and responsibility. If they have had negative experiences in traditional classrooms, an online learning environment might be the right fit for them. As long as your child is able to focus, they can enjoy their classes from a library, friend’s house, or even the car. Offering your child this opportunity gives them a chance to understand the importance of hard work and managing their time wisely.

Reduces Competition Anxiety

Online school also has the potential to eliminate a child’s anxiety over competition. In-person classroom settings can make a child feel self-conscious about their progress on homework, projects, and more, which could make them feel like they’re competing with their peers. With online schooling, this anxiety can be absolved. Your child can move at their own pace without the added stress of what other students are doing. Not only is this great for a child’s emotional state, but this allows them to devote more attention to their coursework.

Socialization Opportunities

Parents understandably worry about their child’s socialization if they attend an online school. At Oregon Charter Academy, we offer many opportunities for your child to make friends and interact with their peers. Our field trips offer a fun way for your child to connect with their classmates and teachers. Touring college campuses, hiking Susan Creek Falls, and touring a cranberry bog are just a few of the outings that students can enjoy. Aside from field trips, we also offer the chance for students to join clubs, attend an annual prom, and more.

Your Child’s Opinion and Attentiveness

The most important factor in making this decision is your child’s comfort level when it comes to online school. Discussing the differences between virtual and in-person classes with your child is not only necessary but also a great way to see if they’d be interested in this method of learning. It’s also important to consider your child’s ability to be attentive. If they have a difficult time dealing with distractions at school in person, they may thrive in a virtual school setting. Online school eliminates those distractions so your child can focus on schoolwork and build skills for the future.

Making the Decision

At Oregon Charter Academy, we understand numerous factors go into deciding if online schooling is right for your child. Offering fewer distractions, a comfortable learning environment, and flexibility, choosing an online school for your child includes many benefits. Located in Mill City, Oregon, we are committed to eliminating any hesitation you may have concerning online learning and leaving you feeling confident about this avenue for your child. To learn more about our virtual charter school, which serves grades K-12 with free education, contact us today.


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