Can Charter Schools Deny Students Enrollment in Oregon

Enrolling in an Oregon charter school is voluntary, meaning any parent or guardian who wishes to provide their child with a unique learning experience can do so. According to the Oregon School Boards Association, any student living in the district in which the charter school is located may apply for enrollment. However, that does not guarantee a place for your child at the specific school. Oregon Charter Academy, an online, public learning institution dedicated to preparing students for success, discusses circumstances in which your child could be denied entry to an in-person charter school. Virtual charter schools such as ours do not limit enrollment.

Understanding the Enrollment Process

Charter schools offer their students a non-traditional learning experience that they may not receive at a conventional public school, making them a desirable learning institution for parents and their children. With a flexible curriculum and exclusion from many rules and statutes guiding traditional public schools, charter schools can freely design their learning programs and student activities to meet the needs of their students. Enrolling a child into a charter school can be done by simply filling out an enrollment application from the school and providing the necessary information.

Under no circumstances are Oregon charter schools allowed to deny kids entry based on race, ethnicity, sex, or disability. However, students can be rejected if too many applications are received. Charter schools have only so many available resources and space for students. If a charter school encounters a scenario in which it has too many students wishing to attend, it needs to select students through a lottery process. To help ensure no favoritism occurs and no students are benefiting from special treatment, the lottery process consists of applications being selected at random – either by hand or with a computer program.

An Alternative to In-Person Oregon Charter Schools

Having your child denied from an in-person charter school based on capacity can feel like a defeat, but there is an alternative solution for parents and students. Virtual charter schools in the state of Oregon do not have enrollment caps. By enrolling in a virtual charter school, students will still receive the same advantages of a charter school and will enjoy added benefits, such as:

  • Immediate feedback on tests: Instead of the old way of taking tests and then waiting days for the results, examinations are taken online, allowing your child instant feedback through automatic grading. Students will see right away what areas they did well in and where they still need improvement.

  • Ability to sharpen digital skills: Not only can students increase their knowledge through proven teaching methods, but they have the chance to improve their digital and computer skills. This is crucial to their future success as they go on to pursue careers in an ever-evolving digital world.

  • Increased time-management skills: To be a successful student at a virtual learning institution, students will need to manage their time and production wisely. This is another skill they can use in other aspects of life going forward.

  • 24/7 access to coursework: Students who attend a virtual charter can log in and access their coursework at any time. This is especially beneficial to students who may need a little extra time learning the material.

Why Choose Oregon Charter Academy?

With over 15 years of helping students grow and preparing them to be successful in college and their careers, Oregon Charter Academy serves elementary, middle, and high school students by providing them with a high-quality education. Advantages to enrolling at Oregon Charter Academy include:

  • Experienced teachers: Our staff is made up of local Oregon-certified instructors, who possess the necessary skills to efficiently teach in a virtual classroom.

  • Access to technology: Our educational programs are powered by Canvas, which allows students the flexibility to access the material anywhere they have an internet connection. More so, each student will be supplied a Chromebook to complete coursework on.

  • A focus on skills for personal growth: In addition to the core curriculum, vital life skills our students can acquire include critical thinking, communication, and comprehension.

Enroll Your Child at Oregon Charter Academy

Parents or guardians who wish to provide their students with a quality virtual learning experience can do so by enrolling them in Oregon Charter Academy. To learn more, contact Oregon Charter Academy today.


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