Eugene Student Excels in College Readiness Program

Oregon Charter Academy is proud to highlight Ailey Mora, a sixth grade competitive dancer who has been thriving in our college readiness program, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID). ORCA is one of the few virtual schools in Oregon to implement the AVID program, which prepares students for success after high school through extra help with rigorous courses. After implementing the program four years ago, we will celebrate our first group of graduating AVID seniors this year.  

Mora’s involvement with the AVID program was a big part of her decision to continue online education after the pandemic. Beyond tremendously improving her grades, the program has connected her with like-minded students who crave challenges within an educational environment that allows them to choose their own learning pace. From presenting in live classrooms to increasing their vocabulary, the program has helped Mora – and her classmates – to gain academic confidence and excel in their studies. 

“I joined AVID because I wanted to gain skills I can take to college. With the support I get from my teachers and fellow students, I feel more prepared,” said Mora. “I love the challenges of setting personal goals, and I hope what I am learning now will help me become a veterinarian or marine biologist one day.”

Being involved with extracurriculars like competitive dancing can take time away from school, so a flexible schedule changes how Mora takes on the classroom. She believes she’s much more present, and with support, she can tackle larger academic loads, which increases her college readiness.

AVID is a nonprofit organization established in 1980. During the 2018-19 school year, AVID impacted more than 2 million students, providing academic and social support to ensure students’ success in high school, college and careers. Students receive help from tutors, teachers, and peer groups while being challenged with more rigorous courses. 

To learn more about ORCA’s AVID program or how to enroll your student, check out our virtual information sessions happening now through September.


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