Switching from Homeschooling to an Online School

For many students and parents, homeschooling is simply the most logical method of learning, and sometimes it’s the only formal schooling a child will receive. But from the start, homeschooling can be difficult. It requires parents to learn how to put together a curriculum that meets all the requirements by the state and federal government for a homeschooling program. For this reason and others, many parents consider switching their children to an online learning program.

The benefits of virtual learning are plentiful, but the process of switching from homeschooling to an online learning program requires some adjustments by both parent and student. At Oregon Charter Academy, we understand the transition from homeschooling to online schooling well. Here, we provide some insights for parents who are currently considering making the change.

Our Online Program’s Comprehensive Curriculum

One of the most challenging parts of homeschooling is having to build a curriculum that suits your child. Many parents spend hours sifting through curricula and other learning materials, trying their best to create a learning program that’s going to benefit their children. The online learning program from Oregon Charter Academy takes care of all of that. Plus, with the learning material that is centrally located, you’ll never have to worry about what your child will be learning next. While this guarantees a seamless transition in your child’s education, it also alleviates the stress involved in putting together a curriculum.

Online Teachers Are Certified Teachers

One major concern some parents have with online schooling has to do with the instructors who will be teaching their children. This is an understandable concern since in-person interaction won’t occur as often. Fortunately, online teachers, including the ones at Oregon Charter Academy, are certified in the grades they teach and are more than qualified to provide your child with a high-quality education. Not only does this provide you with additional peace of mind, but it also puts your child in the best possible position for success. Above all else, you’ll no longer need to feel like you’re switching between the roles of teacher and parent throughout the day.

Online Learning Programs Afford Flexibility and Structure

The last big concern when transitioning from homeschooling to online schooling has to do with the continuity of education your child is receiving. Thankfully, the online schooling available through Oregon Charter Academy was designed with flexibility in mind to ensure that your child is comfortable with the material that is put before them. Once your child is working with the right materials, we implement the same structure and stability that you’d find in a traditional school.

Learn More About Online Learning at Oregon Charter Academy

At Oregon Charter Academy, our certified teachers will work with you and your child every step of the way for a quick and easy transition from homeschool to online school. If you or your child are considering making the transition or for more information about our virtual learning programs, contact us today.


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