Signs Traditional Learning Methods Are Not Working for Your Child

Have you noticed your child falling behind in their schoolwork? Every parent wants their children to get the most out of their education, but traditional learning methods don’t work well for every child. Oregon Charter Academy specializes in alternative learning for children, and here, we share some of the top signs that traditional learning methods might not be the right fit for your young learner.

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Go to School

Most children will say they don’t want to go to school at one time or another. However, if it is a daily occurrence with your child and they beg you not to go to school, it’s time to think about deeper reasons why. These may include:

  • Not understanding coursework: If a child doesn’t understand their schoolwork, it can cause feelings of disconnect and make them dread going to school.

  • Worries about leaving home and family: Some children experience separation anxiety and are worried about leaving their comfort zone with their family during the school day.

  • Social problems: If children experience bullying or teasing, they will often not want to return to school.

If you recognize that your child consistently doesn’t want to attend school, explore alternative learning for children, which focuses on a more personalized approach for your child.

Your Child Is Falling Behind

Another sign that traditional school methods aren’t working for your child is if they are falling behind in their coursework, have decreasing grades, or receive poor performance reviews. It’s possible that your child is not getting enough attention from their teacher, or they might need a more personalized learning style. It could also mean that your child is having a difficult time grasping the material and has a learning difference.

Since traditional learning methods are very structured and general, it’s easy for students to fall behind if they don’t understand a concept or miss class. In some cases, this causes student-athletes, artists, and other performers to miss school and learning opportunities, making it hard to catch up. With asynchronous work time offered at Oregon Charter Academy, students are able to work at times that are best for them and can spend extra time on lessons they don’t understand.

Your Child Isn’t Engaged

As many parents know, when a child is bored, it can cause them to act out or become distracted. If your child seems uninterested in school, it could be because they are not being challenged academically. The curriculum may not be relatable, or they may need an alternative teaching method.

Coursework should be engaging and tailored to your student's learning preferences, or your child will struggle to find the motivation to learn. At Oregon Charter Academy, we use a mixture of interesting live classes and asynchronous work time to mix things up and keep your child from dreading a boring, traditional routine.

Learn More about Alternative Education from Oregon Charter Academy

Have you noticed your child showing any of these signs while attending a school that utilizes traditional learning methods? Turn to Oregon Charter Academy, which offers personalized and convenient online classes to prepare your child for the world through alternative learning methods. Contact us for more information about alternative learning for children today.


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